Resurrection Day Outfit

Happy Easter, everyone! We had a wonderful day celebrating at church and then spending the rest of the day with friends. I wore coral and aqua, so I felt very “Eastery” today! ๐Ÿ˜„ My favorite part of my outfit was this beautiful headwrap from Garlands of Grace and the Gold Cross Flexi Clip from Lilla Rose. I love the the dresses I found for my daughters, as well. I love navy and I love polka dots! They wore their Easter bonnets for a short time, but later switched to beautiful headwraps from Garlands of Grace. Hope you all had a wonderful day! (Linked withย The Modest Mom Blogย )

My Outfit:

Sweater ~ Walmart

Skirt ~ Amazon

Headwrap ~ย Garlands of Grace

Flexi Clip ~ย Lilla Rose

My Daughters’ Outfits:

Dresses ~ Costco

Hats ~ H&M

Resurrection Day Outfit
Resurrection Day Outfit
Garlands of Grace Headcovering
Garlands of Grace Headcovering
Gold Cross Flexi Clip from Lilla Rose
Gold Cross Flexi Clip from Lilla Rose
Maxi Skirt Outfit, Headcovering, and Flexi Clip
Maxi Skirt Outfit, Headcovering, and Flexi Clip
Navy and Polka Dot Easter Dresses with Easter Bonnets
Navy and Polka Dot Easter Dresses with Easter Bonnets
Garlands of Grace Headwrap for Girls
Garlands of Grace Headwrap for Girls


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